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crystal gazing
crystal gazing

n. staring into a crystal ball to arouse visions of future or distant events

Crystal gazing

Crystal-gazing (also known as crystal-seeing, crystallism, crystallomancy, gastromancy, and spheromancy) is a method for seeing visions achieved through trance induction by means of gazing at a crystal. Traditionally it has been seen as a form divination or scrying, with visions of the future, something divine etc., though research into the content of crystal-visions suggest the visions are related to the expectations and thoughts of the seer.

Usage examples of "crystal gazing".

It seemed certain, at least, that among them would be clairvoyants of far greater abilities than the sort of semi-amateur she had seen crystal gazing the first time she had gone to a meeting at Mrs.

They've just led you on by a few demonstrations and encouraging your crystal gazing, but they will—.